How to quickly increase power at home

The functioning of the male genitourinary system depends on lifestyle, diet and physical activity. Smoking, food and alcohol abuse, tight clothing and footwear impair blood circulation to the penis and prostate. A man who spends 8-10 hours in the sitting position has erectile dysfunction. Diet, pelvic floor exercises and popular recipes help increase potency and restore libido.

man is content with increased potency

Vitamins and male strength

Vegetarians and fast food lovers are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction. The first category of men voluntarily deprive themselves of proteins and amino acids, which are found only in seafood and meat. In the second group, due to the regular use of sausage, semi-finished products and smoked meat, cholesterol levels increase. Harmful fats are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, impairing blood circulation. The genitourinary system is the first to suffer.

The potential will increase if a man takes every day:

  1. Vitamin A.Beta-carotene is responsible for reproductive function, vascular elasticity and prostate health. Lots of vitamins in fresh squash and carrots, cod liver and chicken yolks. For better retinol assimilation, vegetables are poured with vegetable oil or sour cream.
  2. Vitamin C.Ascorbic acid not only supports immunity, but also ensures blood flow to the genitals and a constant erection. The component increases the absorption of minerals and amino acids, increases sexual desire. The body receives ascorbic acid from fresh currants, burns, citrus fruits, spinach, bell peppers, herbs and decoctions of roses.
  3. Vitamin D.Calciferol is involved in the production of sperm and male hormones responsible for arousal. The potential will increase dishes from dairy products, chicken eggs and quail, as well as fish oil.
  4. Selen.The mineral reduces inflammation in the prostate, is responsible for reproductive function. The component is combined with vitamin E to increase its absorption. A man with a weakened potency should eat sprouted wheat, oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms, seafood and butter, brazil nuts, oysters and shrimp.
  5. ZINCThe element is responsible for testosterone production, increases libido, protects against prostate inflammation and sexual impotence. Zinc enters the body along with beef and pork liver, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, seafood, hard cheese and poultry.

Erection problems arise from chronic stress. For men who are constantly nervous, foods containing magnesium are recommended. These include green beans, legumes, canned peas and corn, raspberries, blackberries, dried apricots and grapefruit. There are many minerals in bananas, shrimp, cod fillets and liver, in sea bass and herring. Magnesium increases resistance to stress, normalizes heart function, tones blood vessels and ensures blood flow to the genitals.

With a weak potency, men are recommended to drink a cup of natural coffee and eat 4-5 pieces of dark chocolate, in which more than 65% of cocoa beans. Foods are rich in caffeine and minerals that stimulate blood circulation and have a positive effect on sexual performance. Coffee and chocolate are contraindicated in heart disease, hypertension and prostate adenoma.

Celery root invigorates and cures erection problems. The product is boiled and roasted, it is added to stews and soups, but it is better to prepare fresh juice from it. Celery stalks are cut along with apples, carrots or cabbage. The plant prevents prostatitis, increases libido and elevation.


Blood circulation to the pelvic organs is impaired due to a sedentary lifestyle. Potency is restored by exercises created to train the pubococcygeal muscles. Flat what is responsible for steady growth and endurance.

gymnastics to increase potency

Gymnastics is performed in the evening to stretch the pelvic organs after sedentary work. They are engaged in a warm room, avoiding hypothermia of muscles and blood vessels.

Charging begins with a rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise. A man cooks the lower back, warms the internal organs and muscles. The next exercise is lifting the legs, bent at the knees, from a standing position. The finger lies down. The knee joint tries to touch the abdomen or chest. You can wrap your arms around the calves and pull the leg up. There should be a slight pulling sensation in the thigh.

The pubococcygeal muscle develops from the "Bicycle" exercise. A man, lying on his back, actively turns the invisible pedals for 1, 5-2 minutes. He then squats, half bent his knees and contracted his glutes.

The potential increases by imitating sexual intercourse. The patient assumes a horizontal position. With arms outstretched along the body, it stands on the floor. The toes and heels are tight on the floor, as are the shoulders. The man lifts the tail bone from the ground and lifts it up, then lowers it down. Gradually the movements accelerate.

Pelvic rotations and "Bicycles" warm the body. After a short warm-up, the man sits with his legs open at the groin and puts his hands on his knees. The body tilts slightly forward, and the chin is pressed against the chest. He tries to feel the muscle located in the perineum between the anus and the testicles. Once you can feel it, you should strain this area for 30-60 seconds. Duration increases with each lesson. Relaxation is calm and slow.

A man does the second exercise when no one is home. The patient removes his pants and underwear, collects and tries to pull the scrotum. Gymnastics is performed without clothes, so it is more convenient to monitor the movements of the testicles.

The buttocks should not be tense when performing the first and second exercises. Only the pubic-coccygeal muscles function.

Men who want to maintain lust and strength until a mature age are recommended to run in the morning, swim and do skating. Useful It is useful for office workers to get up from a chair every 1, 5-2 hours and take a short walk or warm-up to improve blood circulation.

On the bus, on the way home, a man can imagine that a heavy stone has been suspended from his scrotum, which he has to hold. Stay while doing the exercise.

Plants for potency

Sexual impotence is treated with a decoction of nettle. Fresh branches are poured boiling water, finely chopped and mixed with chopped parsley and a boiled egg. The salad is seasoned with olive oil, add a little garlic and flax seeds. Eat for dinner or before a meeting. Snack ingredients stimulate blood circulation to the penis, increase sexual desire and ensure a full erection.

herbs to increase strength

Potency problems are eliminated by red wine. A glass of grape drink is mixed with 1 tbsp. crushed nettle leaves and 30 ml of liquid honey. Alcohol is taken 2 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts no more than 14 days so that the wine does not become addictive.

Calamus root invigorates and treats sexual dysfunction. A man chews 10-20 g of fresh product every day three times a day. Patients who do not like the taste of the plant prepare an alcoholic solution from the root. Pour 50 g of grated calamus into a wine bottle and add 300 ml of high quality vodka. Filter after 14 days. Drink 30 drops of calamus medicine daily for 2. 5 months.

Ordinary black or green tea can increase strength, but you should add a pinch of herbs to it:

  • thyme;
  • saffron;
  • cloves;
  • lemon bar;
  • Dubrovnik

Mint is contraindicated. It relaxes and deafens nerve endings, causes drowsiness. With regular use of the drug, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, libido decreases.

The potential will be restored if a man drinks a decoction with hop cones three times a day. The dry raw materials are ground in a mortar. A fresh drink is prepared daily from 1 tbsp. herbal powder and a cup of boiling water. The broth is brought to a boil in a water bath and simmer for 5 minutes. The finished medicine is divided into 3 parts 90-100 ml.

Hawthorn fruits can restore collection within 2 days. In a saucepan, mix 150 g of raw material with 1 liter of water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. 500 ml of healing gravy is drunk daily, dividing the daily rate into 4-5 servings.

One of the most powerful potency stimulants is ginseng root. The plant is recommended for men with healthy hearts and normal blood pressure. With tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia and valve insufficiency, you can not get ginseng tincture.

The drug consists of 1 teaspoon. chopped root and 350 g of honey. The products are transferred to a jar, mixed and hidden under the sofa. Remove after 10 days. Accepted according to the scheme: the first day - 1 drop, the second - 2 and beyond. Bring to 28, and then reduce the dose in the same way as increasing.

In-house stimulants

With a weak potency, it is not necessary to take pills or buy advertised spray. Herbs and natural products are just as effective against sexual dysfunction as medicines in pharmacies.

a woman in bed with a man who has increased potential

White wine cocktail has tonic properties:

  • Heat 1 liter of alcohol in a water bath at 50 degrees.
  • Add a pinch of cardamom, 2-3 cloves and 10 g of cinnamon powder.
  • Add 30 ml of each alcoholic beverage and 60 g of honey.

Remove the white wine from the stove, pour 1 glass of orange or grapefruit juice into the drink. Season with 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon.

The pot of alcoholic cocktail is placed in the refrigerator for 3 days. The filtered medicine is stored in a bottle with a tight stopper. Take 100-150 ml of spicy wine 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. A cocktail party lasts for several hours.

If sexual dysfunction is due to stress, prostate inflammation, or decreased immunity, a mixture of walnuts and pine nuts is recommended. Mix 250 g of products, grind and fill with a glass of honey. Pour in the mass of 100 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Every day, 50 g of medicine is eaten after each meal. The potential will be recovered within a month.

10 hours before intercourse, a man is recommended to consume 50 g of carrot and turnip salad. Mix 30 g of boiled root vegetables with 15 g of raw orange ingredients. The mixture is filled with 10 ml of honey.

Additional methods

Contrast baths improve blood circulation to the pelvic organs. The buttocks and hips are immersed in hot or cold water. You can take a contrast bath, put mustard plaster on the heel for 10-15 minutes before bed.

Baths with laurel leaves, coniferous branches and a bouquet of chamomile flowers restore masculine strength. Plants alternate but do not mix. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

Potentially worsens due to overweight, smoking and alcoholism, prostate inflammation, hypothyroidism and diabetes. A man will hold a meeting if he regularly visits a doctor, monitors body weight and nutrition. To increase libido, you need to give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, include in the diet foods rich in vitamins and herbal decoctions to stimulate potency.